Six Pounds of Weight Loss to Go

175 lbs. Half pound weight drop, but here’s what’s REALLY interesting:
As mentioned in yesterday’s post, I’d heard, from my Paleo brother, that drinking hard alcohol while in Ketosis doesn’t stop and ruin the ketosis like drinking a beer would, requiring additional time to restart it, the alcohol just pauses the ketosis while the body uses the alcohol for energy and then continues.

So, last night I had a vodka martini, and measured my ketosis with the Ketostix: Sure enough. Gone. No ketosis.

But this morning I measured again and I was back in ketosis, and at the highest level I have yet achieved. I love that stuff! (The information and experimentation, I mean, not the vodka.)

So, I’ve got six pounds to still lose. I was hoping to do it by this Friday, but that’s not looking likely, as my average weight loss is about a pound a day.

Just to prove that I don’t only eat steaks, here’s a photo of my lunch, of smoked salmon and deli ham. Salmon is great for ketosis because it has lots of fat, which supports your energy levels and is just great for you all around. The mustard is about as carb-free as condiments get. Except home-made mayonnaise.

Jump in. Try this experiment: Just eat carb free until dinner, and then eat what you want. Breakfast and lunch just proteins and fats, and then dinner is whatever you want. Try it for a couple days.


Boom. 179.5lbs. Second day of no carbs. Also fasting glucose is at the lowest level I’ve seen since testing: 74 mg/dL.

Had a rib eye steak for dinner and New York for breakfast. Having smoked sausage for lunch. Not hungry, energy’s high.

New articles today on Ten Cokes in Buzzfeed, UPI, etc, but I’m most psyched about this one in BroBible. I’m a big BroBible fan.


Uh-oh. 182 pounds again. That’s it. No carbs today at all.

Breakfast: bacon and eggs, coffee with butter and coconut oil.
Lunch: hamburger patty, and half my son’s hamburger patty.
Dinner: I got a fat steak in my headlights and a diet ginger ale.

Oh, and I also had three espressos today, too. No sugar, obviously.

I’ve done a bunch of press interviews over the last two days, and everybody I speak with seems to get it, that drinking the ten Cokes is to get people’s attention about the important issues of sugar in diet and how your insulin level is the important thing to consider in weight control, not calories. But all the comments on news articles are like, “Duh, what did you think was going to happen when you drank ten Cokes?”

Well, I thought I would gain weight, but not 23 pounds. It’s a surprise. And the real result is fantastic: thousands of people are really thinking about how much sugar is in their diet.

Thanks for all the new likes and comments and advice, except for the people who think I need a pedicure…

It wasn’t an arm…

182 pounds. Monster loss over the last day. I allow a pound or so deviation due to water weight variances, so 2 1/2 pounds is probably not totally accurate, but I do expect to lose 1 1/2 pounds on average per day.

Yesterday I didn’t any carbs until dinner, just meat and buttered coffee. But then at dinner I had cheese pizza. I know. I know I should have just had a fatty steak or something for dinner like I planned, to encourage some ketosis action, but I think this Coke experiment weakened my will to resist temptation somehow. Must work harder.

Today, just eggs scrambled with butter, coconut oil, and olive oil. (They were oily.)

One of the questions I’ve been getting is Why doesn’t the 1400 extra calories add up to the weight gained?

Answer: The high amount of sugar causes your body to store calories from ALL the food you eat. With less sugar, I had a lower insulin level, and my fat cells didn’t store much fat from the available diet. With more sugar, and a higher insulin level, my fat cells are cued to store fat, and you’re off to the races. Sure, the sugar contributes some calories, too, but the main part is all the other food you subsequently eat.

Weight Loss after Eight Days

Guess what? It turns out that it’s hard to lose weight over Thanksgiving. Who knew, huh? My weight has been basically unchanged over the last five days, at about 186 pounds.

It was a holiday though, and my philosophy of diet is that you eat right most of the time, so that you can eat poorly some of the time… but I went so far off the Paleo diet that Robert Atkins may have rolled over in his grave. Stuffing, deserts, chips, pig roast, fresh bread, fried potatos, tacos and Margaritas at El Coyote restaurant, pizza – but no Cokes, actually.

So, now I’m really going to dial down the carb consumption, maybe even try and get my body into ketosis so that I start releasing and burning those fat stores, really kick start the weight loss. I’m tired of the little gut, although my wife, kindly, says she likes it.

I got a great note on the website today from a girl named Kate who has just stopped drinking Cokes. Here’s the note:

Hi, George: I was on Yahoo when I saw the article about 10 cokes a day. I clicked on it, watched your video and am amazed. My housemates and I started a detox diet yesterday and it’s been especially hard for me because I drink about 5-8 20oz soda’s a day. Water has never really been an option for me until yesterday when I agreed to not drink any soda or eat sugared foods for one month. Within 12 hours, the headache started. The lack of sugar is driving my body nuts, but after seeing your stats on how much your body went down hill in just 30 days, I realize I have to do this. I have a feeling I’ll be watching your video everyday for the next 30 days to remind me why I’m doing this. Thank you…in the name of science =)

This is exactly why I’m doing this blog, exactly why I’m doing this experiment. Thanks, Kate.

So, here I go. Hopefully some meaningful weight loss for a while now.

10 Cokes Weight loss Update

187 lbs this morning. After 3 days of not drinking ten Cokes a day, I’ve dropped five pounds. Now, keep in mind that the first two days I didn’t feel very well and had little appetite. On Monday, for example, I ate only two pieces of bacon in the morning, and a small slice of meatloaf for dinner. That’s it. But I wasn’t hungry. Yesterday ate more – eggs and bacon, beans, sausage and onions – and today I had a bacon and sausage breakfast. So, I’m really throwing my body back into fat-burning mode from the start. Yesterday and today I felt better than I have in a month. It’s weird, because I didn’t think I was feeling that bad while I was drinking the Cokes, but now that I’m Coke-free I really notice an increased energy level, and definitely a better mood. I feel lighter somehow, and I don’t think it’s just from the 5 pounds…

Have a great Thanksgiving!

30 Days Completed!

The total weight gain for my 30 Days of 10 Cokes a day is 23 pounds. I’m going for a blood lipid test tomorrow morning, and I’ll see if my cholesterol levels have been affected. I started out with Paleo cholesterol, which is radically high good cholesterol, and we’ll see if just 30 days can change that.

Yesterday was the first day of no Cokes and it was such a relief not to have to slam cans of soda all day, and also I spent less time running to the bathroom. I haven’t been particularly hungry the last two days, but I’ve been eating Paleo again right from the start: eggs and beans yesterday for breakfast, plain burger meat and cheese for lunch, but then I ate out for dinner and had fish and chips. Today, so far, no carbs. Buttered coffee and bacon for breakfast, deli meats for lunch – but I honestly don’t have much appetite and still feel full – maybe I’m not used to the new fat around my organs, or my body’s reacting somehow to not eating all the sugar, but I don’t have appetite.

A couple of readers commented that they thought my weight gain was mostly water weight. 23 pounds of water weight?! On top of 168 pound starting weight? I’d jiggle like a water balloon. No, sorry, it’s bulging fat cells, not water-logged skin. Here’s the Paleo argument about why it’s totally possible to put on 23 pounds in a month:

The reason why we have the ability to gain weight when we have an abundance of food is because there were no refrigerators back in Hunter and Gatherer times, and food sources were inconsistent. People had to be able to gorge themselves on available food to store as fat and get them through times when there wasn’t much food. Fruit ripens on the walla-bulla tree? Eat it quick and store it as fat, because it’ll all be gone in a week. Killed a cave bear? Feast like it’s the last cave bear in the world, because you need to store that energy until you catch the next cave bear, and that could be a while, right?

It’s a simple and wonderful strategy – that was only screwed up by our success as humans: we now have constant abundance, and we’re constantly eating and storing food.

Anyway, totally possible to gain this much weight as fat, and totally healthy – as long as lose the weight now.

190 pounds

190 pounds this morning, and two days to go.

I’ve been drinking the Cokes warm at my desk all day since I’m tired of stocking and restocking the mini fridge in the office kitchen and constantly running to get another. Screw it. Drink ‘em warm.

The LA Weekly interviewed me this week, and their article about Ten Cokes a Day is in this week’s issue. Happily it doesn’t make me look like too much of an idiot, but I’m prepared for a bit of skepticism here and there anyway. Because, yes, the truth is that everybody probably knows that drinking ten Cokes a day isn’t healthy. Coca-cola Company would probably agree – but the main point of this little experiment is that the amount of sugar I’m eating is not out of proportion from what most Americans eat on a daily basis. What are the statistics now? 2/3 of us are overweight, and 1/3 of us obese? That pretty closely corresponds to how many of us eat this huge amount of sugar.

Looks like I’m also in Huffington Post, Thrillist, and a number of other news outlets. I feel a little embarrassed, actually, but the main point of my experiment is to raise awareness, to get people talking about sugar, about weight gain and loss, about how diets work or don’t work – so if the media exposure gets people talking about it… Hell, if one person decides to switch from sugared soft drinks to diet, then at least I didn’t drink 300 Cokes in vain.

What if I kept drinking Cokes? I’d keep gaining weight, right? It doesn’t make sense to think that I wouldn’t, but the scary thing is that, what if I cut back on Cokes, but replaced the missing Cokes with other “healthier” items, like juices, fruit smoothies, sports drinks, and fruit?
The same thing. I’d keep gaining weight.
Tomorrow’s my last day of Coke drinking. Counting today, I’ve got 13 more Cokes to drink. They might be the last 13 Cokes I drink in my life.
Besides Diet.

189 lbs

I’m up to 189 lbs. 21 pounds of gain in four weeks. This is the last day of four weeks of this ridiculous diet and I can’t wait until two more days pass, for a total of 30 days, so I can stop drinking Coke and start losing weight. I have to wear shorts at the office because my pants don’t fit. My face is filled out and kind of round like a chubby little baby, and, also like a little baby, I keep pooping my pants.
Can’t wait to lose weight. I don’t seem to have developed diabetes or much insulin resistance yet, but a few more months like this would probably do the trick.
I got an email on my website today from a guy who asked if I’ve been using the Coke Rewards coupons from my Coke cartons, and if not, can he have them…
What could I get from 300 cans of Coke? A free 2 litre bottle? 10% off dentistry?

USDA estimates

186.5 lbs. The USDA estimates that Americans consume 156 pounds of sugar annually per capita. That’s the average, so for every guy like me who (in normal times) doesn’t eat much sugar, there’s somebody out there who’s eating a pound. Anyway, that’s nearly a half pound on average, per person, per day. And that’s added sugar; it doesn’t account for the sugar we get naturally from fruit and vegetables.
And can you guess where 33% of all that added sugar comes from? Soft drinks. That’s a big chunk. The first thing to eliminate from your diet, if you want an easy start to better health, is sugared soft drinks.

I stopped and talked with a neighbor yesterday who was on his way to 7-11 to get his usual afternoon treat of a brownie and some ice cream. And we talked about sodas, too; he often has a soda in the morning because it’s easier than coffee while he’s getting ready for work. And that’s it for the day, right, because once you start with the carbs, you’re hungry for them all day.

After talking for a while he wondered if maybe if he cut out sodas, he could cut back on his Lipitor. How many of us could have equations like that in our lives?